
Interesting video, if you have a hard time believing that man is the only driving force behind the climate changing.

they use a phrase that’s now unpopular and sometimes treated the same as a racial slur in today’s wonderful society
“Free and open debate”
You’ve been warned please don’t get triggered
For what it’s worth I’m in the cute camp as well. If she’d just keep her mouth shut...
I like her. She is a sixteen-year-old teen with a passion. She can speak in a contemporaneous and extemporaneous manner (that was a mouthful but I got a word of the day in) in a very knowledgeable way. She has a keen understanding of science and has managed to address some of the largest organizations in the world, including the US Congress, where she delivered a very succinct message and left. Pretty cool in comparison to some of the adults who appear before Congress. All this while living with Asperger's (I am having a hard time getting used to the DSM 5 description of ASD because I think it pathologizes a few too many people and has many on the lower end of the spectrum misdiagnosed, but I digress) which may make it easier for her to focus or maybe not. Perhaps Dr. Temple Grandin could answer that one.

I know some people don't believe in climate change, and they are entitled to their opinion. I gave up on the debate years ago when I started to read the Club of Rome reports. And that goes back to the early seventies. Warnings of climate change and lack of sustainability of the planet have been around for sixty years. Believe them or don't. It is a free society and one that has limited free speech. What I don't understand and never will, is why the need for personal attacks on a person in the written word or a physical manner. It's playground stuff.

As my friend @faller stated, fossil fuels have been a gift to the world and have fueled (pun intended) the most rapid development this world has ever seen. All we have to do is look at the developing world and see the hardships many endure daily. Heck man, I couldn't fathom having to venture out daily to gather sticks for a fire to cook my food in unsanitary water. I appreciate the world we live in but also see us at a turning point much like as when Henry Ford rolled his first Model T down an assembly line. We do have an opportunity to continue rapid growth if we work on it in a manner that focusses on sustainability as well as economic growth with myriad new green technologies in, agriculture, animal husbandry, energy and marine conservation. I think the FABLE report would be a good start in moving in this direction. It won't be easy, but it is doable.

Are we getting off fossil fuels? Maybe never. But with advanced use of hydroelectricity and the fruition of small modular nuclear reactor technology, along with enhanced reliability of wind and solar, we have an excellent chance of pushing forward without destroying our planet and allowing more nations to become developed. As more nations join the developed world, we will see benefits for the global value chain from countries that are currently unable to contribute. It will all begin with fuel and infrastructure.

Time for lunch.

@Sorbate I agree 100 % with you in regards to medicating our kids, but that is best left for a PM. Way off-topic.

I’m on my phone so narrowing down a quote is damned near impossible lol.

“Destroying the planet “

These 3 little words have become irrefutable truth based on absolutely nothing. Where’s the destruction, where are the bodies? Those words are used as a conversation stopper nothing more.

“ Mother Nature” is the most efficient serial killer on the planet, she is not the nurturing or fragile entity we try to make her out to be. Fossil fuels so far is the only resource we have available at putting up safe guards against her.

Humans are incredibly resourceful and I guarantee you wind and solar will never replace fossil fuel, it will replaced one day but we just haven’t discovered it yet.
The girl is literally mentally ill and suicidal and her parents are parading her around pushing their own agenda. That is the most disturbing thing about this.
I see by some comments we have many deniers. I get that, but I think the logical science shows we WILL be fucked... Not yet, but a few generations.

But by that time, I think we will have some C02 scrubbers technically advanced enough, to capture the carbon. Life survives, it may not be the same, but never know, may be better.
But by that time, I think we will have some C02 scrubbers technically advanced enough, to capture the carbon.

This super high tech device you speak of already exists, it’s called a tree. They magically absorb carbon dioxide and produce clean breathable oxygen. Carbon dioxide levels being high has resulted in the largest growths of the earths forest. Cut our carbon dioxide and our forests die.
This super high tech device you speak of already exists, it’s called a tree. They magically absorb carbon dioxide and produce clean breathable oxygen. Carbon dioxide levels being high has resulted in the largest growths of the earths forest. Cut our carbon dioxide and our forests die.

Well yes, as that exists now, and will probably be long after we are gone. Lets just try and come up with a way to have less C02. Tress might not cut it in the future with everything we pull out of the ground, and fill the air with.
Well yes, as that exists now, and will probably be long after we are gone. Lets just try and come up with a way to have less C02. Tress might not cut it in the future with everything we pull out of the ground, and fill the air with.

C02 is not a harmful gas at all. It is plant food. Carbon monoxide is the carbon compound that people should be worried about, but not even the tree huggers that preach global warming know that. If c02 were to keep rising, so would the size of our forests. They’re directly related.
Well it is a problem is there is too much, and with forest fires all the time, how are they going to use it?

Anything will kill you if you have a high enough dose, welcome to biochemistry, but the heat it creates will change our current living arrangements. But we will adapt, Life has a way.
C02 is not a harmful gas at all. It is plant food. Carbon monoxide is the carbon compound that people should be worried about, but not even the tree huggers that preach global warming know that. If c02 were to keep rising, so would the size of our forests. They’re directly related.

You can’t make that claim. It’s not as simple as that. Not at all.

Especially since we slash an burn more and more forest every year to make way for whatever we desire whether that be more farming land or a new condo complex or whatever.

Complex systems have evolved over millions of years. They probably weren’t designed to accommodate so much. Sure they are resilient and they even evolve but as I said before it makes no difference if you believe in climate change or not. We continue to shit all over the earth and do what we feel like.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that there will never be a tipping point is foolish. Maybe it’s already past.... maybe it’s far away? Nobody really knows exactly and it’s all really guessing at best.

However I think it makes some kind of sense to try to take care of the world we live in similar to taking care of anything we have that we would like to last.
I see by some comments we have many deniers. I get that, but I think the logical science shows we WILL be fucked... Not yet, but a few generations.

But by that time, I think we will have some C02 scrubbers technically advanced enough, to capture the carbon. Life survives, it may not be the same, but never know, may be better.
You didn't watch the video I put up didn't you. We remove all the co2 and the plants die? I wonder what happens to the ecosystem when the plants die? And we are not deniers, we are realists. I ask to show me the peer reviewed data