
Sex workers in Thailand on the stroll are wearing masks.:)
so.. how do you know this? :sneaky:

If it was a condition of entering a public facility or business, then I would put it on or choose to leave. That's entirely fair. That's different from some rando on the street yelling at people for not wearing masks though.
Im going to the hospital soon, will count how many people (including staff) are wearing masks!!
If it was a condition of entering a public facility or business, then I would put it on or choose to leave. That's entirely fair. That's different from some rando on the street yelling at people for not wearing masks though.

If thats they way it goes than i will spend the $200 to file an application for a civil suit for discrimination.

Or in other words, good! Canadians are waking up!

ha burning down 5g towers because covering for Covid-19 health effects. :rolleyes: you see how they try to blanket the breadth of thinking there 5g = the lung fry thing that's it, nothing more to report here, no it's not about the broader "internet of things" picture of 5g, or the Chinese Huwai back door security issues, tracking people even tighter
Or in other words, good! Canadians are waking up!

ha burning down 5g towers because covering for Covid-19 health effects. :rolleyes: you see how they try to blanket the breadth of thinking there 5g = the lung fry thing that's it, nothing more to report here, no it's not about the broader "internet of things" picture of 5g, or the Chinese Huwai back door security issues, tracking people even tighter

Lets see them address the actual concern that is being raised about 5G. Have a panel of independent scientists from around the world debate the effects of 5G radition on the human body, brain and immune system.
That should be a fair request. Cant just claim a topic to be debunked without proper debate.
wooohooo just got back from the hospital and want to let everyone know my surgery worked! third times a charm as they say. Sooo damn happy he approved me today to start doing physio again I will have to ask my therapist when she thinks I can start lifting but regardless Im just relieved this is over with now. cracks open beer does happy dance

Lets see them address the actual concern that is being raised about 5G. Have a panel of independent scientists from around the world debate the effects of 5G radition on the human body, brain and immune system.
That should be a fair request. Cant just claim a topic to be debunked without proper debate.

Yeah not to ignore what unknonws 5G can potentially do to your health I mean because the article tries to make it about one thing oh look 5g isn't reboiling your coffee so therefore you're wrong. There is more than one issue.

I can definitely see that if you take even small % off people's immune system in general, or add any extra environmental load on a body then they could be just that much more susceptible to sicknesses even if it's just a small enough margin. I think that is what Icke was getting at.

Where is the government when you need them the most for their red tape and endless due process approval processes, making companies lose interest. Bureaucracy can be used defensively. Trud did this kind of thing with Teck hmmm Ah once again we see how this works. He can turn it on and off as he sees fit.
How will the 5G interact with the heavy metals in our bodies from living in this toxic environment? Shit in our water, food, that crap they spray in the sky (yes, like it or not chemtrails exist. Remember when that was just a conspiracy theory too)
Doesnt most metal act as a conductor of electricity?
How will the 5G interact with the heavy metals in our bodies from living in this toxic environment? Shit in our water, food, that crap they spray in the sky (yes, like it or not chemtrails exist. Remember when that was just a conspiracy theory too)
Doesnt most metal act as a conductor of electricity?
Well, I myself have done many, many experiments with just simple wifi and plant growth. I put tomatoe plants several of them in separate containers, same light, same temp, same side of the house with sunlight etc.
I put a wifi router in the room not far from them.
I then took a room at opposite end of the house, I used my RF meter to detect the Radio frequency strength in the room, it was near zero, I forget the amount near router, but it set off the alarm big time as it was high.
I then took one step further and built a faraday cage and had an isolated ground for the cage. Completely enclosed the plants inside the cage.
I then put meter inside it was 0 not even a blip.
I also checked for EMF in the floor under the plants to ensure no emf in either rooms.
The plants near wifi looked horrid, stunted etc.
The ones inside cage were nice and healthy.
I did this after reading many an article many yrs ago. 5 g is a whole different ball game, even worse than wifi.
Historically Hitler was painted as far right and Stalin on the left.Now some are trying to paint Hitler on the left.

How? The means of production were still controlled by the capitalists and "bourgeoisie' through dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition for a controlled economy for military gains?
Missing the point.
The media is clearly pushing masks to instil fear into the public. It couldnt be much more obvious. Just overnight after months of claiming they dont work, everyone wears them. And yes, there are many videos of people trying to Publicly shame others for not wearing a mask.

@superbeast I don't really follow the media though. I get all my COVID stuff from my medical journals
Kids have figured it out and felt the effects of wifi. I cannot sleep with cell phone near me, not psychosomatic.
I do not have wifi in our home nor allow data on anyones phone in our home and prefer they use airplane mode.
I can go on and on and I have many tools to detect emf, RF and voltage etc. I won't go into it too much as I sound like a weirdo, but it is dangerous shit.
Add mold to the equation, and put mold near wifi etc. I have also done several experiments on this as well, it explains many, many health effects and overstimulated Central nervous systems etc and a whole host of other issues.
perfume sensitivities, mold sensitivities, light sensitivities etc. etc. etc.
We are killing ourselves.
Kids have figured it out and felt the effects of wifi. I cannot sleep with cell phone near me, not psychosomatic.
I do not have wifi in our home nor allow data on anyones phone in our home and prefer they use airplane mode.
I can go on and on and I have many tools to detect emf, RF and voltage etc. I won't go into it too much as I sound like a weirdo, but it is dangerous shit.
Add mold to the equation, and put mold near wifi etc. I have also done several experiments on this as well, it explains many, many health effects and overstimulated Central nervous systems etc and a whole host of other issues.
perfume sensitivities, mold sensitivities, light sensitivities etc. etc. etc.
We are killing ourselves.

Kids have figured it out and felt the effects of wifi. I cannot sleep with cell phone near me, not psychosomatic.
I do not have wifi in our home nor allow data on anyones phone in our home and prefer they use airplane mode.
I can go on and on and I have many tools to detect emf, RF and voltage etc. I won't go into it too much as I sound like a weirdo, but it is dangerous shit.
Add mold to the equation, and put mold near wifi etc. I have also done several experiments on this as well, it explains many, many health effects and overstimulated Central nervous systems etc and a whole host of other issues.
perfume sensitivities, mold sensitivities, light sensitivities etc. etc. etc.
We are killing ourselves.

Not arguing with ya, cause I agree that all this shit is bad. But why are we living longer than we ever have? (medicine, most likely) How much longer do we want to live? If average is 75, are you thinking we should be up in the 80s? 90s? 100s?