Welcome, Sauced


Welcome "@Sauced" to Canadian Brawn. I am very happy you have joined us. I hope you will be an active member and participate in the forum. We are a community of like minded individuals encompassing all ages and experience levels. We are here to help and support you in your goals. Please take a moment to reply to this thread with some information about yourself. Where are you from, how old are you, your experience level and what brought you here are good things to share.
Thank you
Hey guys thanks for the warm welcome, I'm looking forward to being a part of the community. I'm 26, from Alberta. I've been working out seriously for about 2 years and I've got 1 solid cycle under my belt. Honestly my main reason for joining is to build some kind of reputation within the community to make sourcing easier. I'm on what I thought was a blast right now and it turns out to be TRT with an under dosed vial on testosterone.. I'm a personal trainer and a massive nutrition nut so I feel I can bring some solid value to the forums. It's gonna be fun :)