Things that helped "cure" my depression


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I’ll try to make this relatively short but I struggled with depression for a very long time and I’ve come to realize a big part of it was always feeling lonely, I’d moved out of the house at a very young age and it was very hard on me, dealt with a lot of bullying when I was young and that carried into my teens and I was always too insecure and dumb to really help myself or figure out how I could get myself out of the situation of being a target. I didnt have many close friends, I always had a lot of friends but they were all very far away and I lost contact with them. I always felt very alone and just empty in a way, constantly feeling sadness in my heart, lame but tis how I felt. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI stopped feeling sorry for myself and blaming everyone for my problems, took accountability and found new motivation and drive to change my life around, it was really eye opening, been a psychonaut ever since. Even though I smartened up I still had the dreadful loneliness as I lived alone very far from all my family and friends, what changed everything? I got a dog. Seriously, I decided I didnt want to physically be alone anymore and maybe that would make me feel less lonely and it sounds so obvious but thats exactly what happened. I’m never alone anymore, I’m with my best buddy everyday, he loves me and I love him. That dreadful loneliness has pretty much gone away completely. Now I don’t necessarily suggest these things for people but I’m just relaying my personal experience and things that ACTUALLY helped me, the anti-depressants didnt do shit. XXXXXXXXX and I got a dog. Changed my life.
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Brother, i feel you 100%, I love my pooches and will protect them with my life..
They are the greatest gift us humans could ever have and some of us do not take it and cherish them. The love is un ending and they are always happy even on our hardest days these buggers can bring a smile and warm up the heart. I love these kind of threads about our fur buddies.
I hope you guys have a very long and happy relationship, they are the best..
Brother, i feel you 100%, I love my pooches and will protect them with my life..
They are the greatest gift us humans could ever have and some of us do not take it and cherish them. The love is un ending and they are always happy even on our hardest days these buggers can bring a smile and warm up the heart. I love these kind of threads about our fur buddies.
I hope you guys have a very long and happy relationship, they are the best..
They’re honestly angels, I understand why they are deemed mans best friend. They’re loving unconditionally, they’re loyal and they bring joy just by looking at them or cuddling them! I got my baby in April 2022 when he was a little puppy, he’s almost a year old now and having him has been amazing, I love this little guy so much it’s crazy. He’s really been an incredible ray of sunshine in my life, when I first got him it was weird because I didnt feel a bond to him and I sort of didnt feel the kind of love towards him I thought I should and I started getting anxiety about the responsibility and also if I’d made a mistake but after just two months with him it’s incredible how attched I became to my dog. They’re really the best and I feel bad for people who either dont like dogs or just never get to experience the happiness a dog can bring you! Wishing you and your babies well!
I’ll try to make this relatively short but I struggled with depression for a very long time and I’ve come to realize a big part of it was always feeling lonely, I’d moved out of the house at a very young age and it was very hard on me, dealt with a lot of bullying when I was young and that carried into my teens and I was always too insecure and dumb to really help myself or figure out how I could get myself out of the situation of being a target. I didnt have many close friends, I always had a lot of friends but they were all very far away and I lost contact with them. I always felt very alone and just empty in a way, constantly feeling sadness in my heart, lame but tis how I felt. TXXXXXXXX I stopped feeling sorry for myself and blaming everyone for my problems, took accountability and found new motivation and drive to change my life around, it was really eye opening, been a psychonaut ever since. Even though I smartened up I still had the dreadful loneliness as I lived alone very far from all my family and friends, what changed everything? I got a dog. Seriously, I decided I didnt want to physically be alone anymore and maybe that would make me feel less lonely and it sounds so obvious but thats exactly what happened. I’m never alone anymore, I’m with my best buddy everyday, he loves me and I love him. That dreadful loneliness has pretty much gone away completely. Now I don’t necessarily suggest these things for people but I’m just relaying my personal experience and things that ACTUALLY helped me, the anti-depressants didnt do shit. I started doing XXXXXXXX
Perhaps edit your post illegal rec drugs are not discussed here🙏

and I got a dog. Changed my life.
Read the rules, please. Jeez, man, it's the first thing you see in the forum.
Read the rules, please. Jeez, man, it's the first thing you see in the forum.
Totally my bad, last time I read the rules was over a year ago when I joined and I’ve been MIA from the forum for the last 7 months. My bad! I’ll touch up on the rules again!
A dog was the first thing that changed my life too. Eventually I realized she deserved better then my messed up dangerous lifestyle. That put a big change in motion. It wasn't depression but definitely helped with anxiety.
A dog was the first thing that changed my life too. Eventually I realized she deserved better then my messed up dangerous lifestyle. That put a big change in motion. It wasn't depression but definitely helped with anxiety.
Nice to hear how a dog positively affected you. They’re so genuine and precious