Self Medicating TRT

I did for a while before getting a script. Reason was that after 10 years of cycle n pct i did not recover natty test again so i stayed on. Dose was 250 test on cruise until i found that was a little high when i became scripted.
250/week Sust
Most doctors are brain dead when it comes to male hormone deficiency. The first thing that pops into their head is “steroids” and then all the usual preconceived notions go through their brain. You can see it on their face. Keep it simple and did it myself. Plus they would never go for 250/week and that’s what makes me feel awesome. Tried 125 but didn’t like the results.
250/week Sust
Most doctors are brain dead when it comes to male hormone deficiency. The first thing that pops into their head is “steroids” and then all the usual preconceived notions go through their brain. You can see it on their face. Keep it simple and did it myself. Plus they would never go for 250/week and that’s what makes me feel awesome. Tried 125 but didn’t like the results.
Which is weird because if you want anti depressants, anxiety meds, adhd meds etc they almost push them on you. I think testosterone will soon catch up and start getting pushed more. If it pays for big pharma it's the future but one side theory is testosterone doesn't keep people sick or cause a lot of side effects that need meds so maybe it's against big pharmas goal. You can't sell pills to healthy people
I did for a while before getting a script. Reason was that after 10 years of cycle n pct i did not recover natty test again so i stayed on. Dose was 250 test on cruise until i found that was a little high when i became scripted.
What cycle made you not recover your natural test If I can ask 250 test?
250/wk as its easy on the math and to split into bi-weekly pins. I also take ester weight into consideration and possibility of UGL dose inconsistency, so the actual hormone is in an effective range for me

I started self prescribing as when I got my Test checked a few years ago I was on the line where my quack at the time said no to getting me on TRT, where literally one point lower would have said yes... nuts to that
What cycle made you not recover your natural test If I can ask 250 test?
I couldnt tell you specifically which was the last one i didnt recover fully from. But 10 years of cycling maybe once or twice a year had my natty test shut off. The second last pct recovery was weak and then the final one was terrible and then i went on straight for over a year and then came of for trt script with doc
Have done both - had a cream and injectable script at 100 mg per week or 5 mg of cream per day compounded by a local pharmacy. They both worked great. I got off everything because I wanted a child and TRT killed all sperm and I had azoospermia.
After I recovered with no PCT - hard to get back then and docs are idiots with male fertility or most are - I relied on Viagra as my nuts came back and my sperm was fine but my desire was lower.
After the baby making years passed and I had more injuries from a multitude of crap I did to myself I went on UGL TRT and a few other 'safer' compounds, did a lot of reading, listening to the guys who knew more, and trying and testing my blood. It was about 4 years of getting the test from UGL's and paying for private tests. Now I take between 100-150 mg a week. That puts me at the top of the normal level for a person my age.
Just FYI - I tried and did bloods on the following labs and they all came back the same within a few points of the script injectable: Dracorex, SYN, INNO, and Genetec. I am sure there are other good ones too but those labs always came back using test enanthate exactly where my script test enanthate did.
Don't want to turn this into a who is the best lab war so lets keep it on the question asked. I simply mention some labs and was pleasantly surprised to find my blood work was good from a hormone perspective and a CBC/liver/kidney function etc. perspective from multiple labs. Some have been around forever and some were newer but they all came back the same. I have no skin in the game on those comments - just the facts from the blood tests.
I self medicate at 120mg a week of either test e or test c, split twice a week. Brings my numbers to around 1100. I was on prescribed TRT for over 2 years and since I’m dialed in now I’ve cut the middle man out of the equation now.
I do it because it helps me focus and grind better than my adhd medications. All the other benefits are a massive bonus too.

I've been blasting more than I've been doing trt, so that part isn't exactly dialed yet 😅 it'll probably land somewhere around 200mg/week or lower with primo and or hcg. Maybe 5mgs a day of anavar if I can get away with it. Fuck I love anavar.
250/week Sust
Most doctors are brain dead when it comes to male hormone deficiency. The first thing that pops into their head is “steroids” and then all the usual preconceived notions go through their brain. You can see it on their face. Keep it simple and did it myself. Plus they would never go for 250/week and that’s what makes me feel awesome. Tried 125 but didn’t like the results.
Yeah most doctors don't know shit about hormones. It's kinda eye opening to what else they may be ignorant on. I know they get almost no nutrition training despite acting like they know it all a lot of the time.
Which is weird because if you want anti depressants, anxiety meds, adhd meds etc they almost push them on you. I think testosterone will soon catch up and start getting pushed more. If it pays for big pharma it's the future but one side theory is testosterone doesn't keep people sick or cause a lot of side effects that need meds so maybe it's against big pharmas goal. You can't sell pills to healthy people
low t is the cause of my anxiety they prescribe me an ssri for which causes my hyperprolactanemia :) on cycle i have none of the anxiety unless i’m running EQ (throwing in tren in a few months to see how that goes lol)
Yeah most doctors don't know shit about hormones. It's kinda eye opening to what else they may be ignorant on. I know they get almost no nutrition training despite acting like they know it all a lot of the time.
I do my own trt and 0 fucks given here what anybody thinks. I'll look after myself doctors are completely fucked in Alberta abandoning familys blaming the government. I hate relying on those pricks for anything. Who the hell makes 500 an hour but you can only talk to them about one thing lmao. And they seldom listen anyways. No refills and overbilling is standard.
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