Arthritis ??


Anyone suffering from Arthritis??
From what I hear old injuries and wear and tear on our joints lead to Arthritis

How bad is it and has it gotten worse over time??
I got arthritis in my right shoulder and neck.

The neck has stayed pretty consistent for the last 7 to 10 years, but I spend a lot of time on mobility work, keep it moving, and a good chiropractor

The shoulders is a shit show. Came out of nowhere last year. They tell me the arthritis is still mild, but it just gets angry and then it takes me a week or two to calm it down.

CJC/ipamorelin seems to help both
Slight arthritis in my lower back, shows up on xrays. Causes me some random pains in my legs at times, but its manageable. I dont take anything for tge pain. Not even 40 yrs old. I believe poor posture is the main cultprit, I slouch to make myself comfortable when sitting.
Yes, both hands/knuckles are never going to be the same. I can't even give someone the finger with my right hand lol, MRI indicates I have degenerative disk disease and arthritis in my back, neck, and left shoulder. My right knee has a torn meniscus and in general something is always a little off. I just live with it. Like @Funnyman I take a lot of fish oil and it helps, glucosamine/chon/MSM helps over time, and different anti-inflammatory foods/herbs. No pain meds other than low dose aspirin which doesn't do much.
Unless your the luckiest person alive or never push it, I don't see how you can take this sport somewhat seriously and not hurt yourself at some point. Those injuries given enough time will result in arthritis and if you like most younger men, they didn't spend the money on massage or a good chiro to help keep things aligned.
I have been lucky so far as I have been able to fix my issues with massage therapy. I used to think I had bad shoukders until I realized it was a tight traps and pecs.

Last 2 visits I have been working my hips and full legs and my old siatica injury is slowly going away.

I have become a huge believer in deep tissue muscle therapy to realign things to work in the proper motion and that will help reduce future or present issues.
I’ve got a feeling it’s creeping up on me. I haven’t been diagnosed but my shoulder and both hips are acting up a lot. They’re all old injuries that required surgery years ago. I think it’s catching up with me. I gotta get into the doc and have it all checked out.
Pretty sure it’s from work but my hands are getting progressively worse.

I now quite often get pins and needles in my hands for no apparent reason. Stretching definitely helps and fish oil, but having worked with my hands over 25 years I think it’s just wear and tear.