5 Fight Fallacies Slicing Through the Myths That Surround Edged-Weapon Defense!

Yea if he's got a knife or a gun the best move I was taught in training is pull out your wallet, like a distraction kind of. Throw it on the ground and take one step backwards. Point at the wallet then when he goes for it, turn and run a mother fucker lol
After 40 years of training in Kali/Silat with heavy influence on blades, I have never taught knife defence. We do lots of flow drills, but realistically they are just working for a combat stress response or, simply put, reflexes. Do they work? Who knows? I have only been attacked by blades at work.
@Oldguyjiujitsu a six-foot handrail? It would have to be in your hands at the time of the attack, and you have to hope you aren't battling someone with extensive experience with a knife. Mind you; I would rather have the staff or stick or, more preferably, a Bolo.
After 40 years of training in Kali/Silat with heavy influence on blades, I have never taught knife defence. We do lots of flow drills, but realistically they are just working for a combat stress response or, simply put, reflexes. Do they work? Who knows? I have only been attacked by blades at work.
@Oldguyjiujitsu a six-foot handrail? It would have to be in your hands at the time of the attack, and you have to hope you aren't battling someone with extensive experience with a knife. Mind you; I would rather have the staff or stick or, more preferably, a Bolo.

I worked the door during university in a club right on the waterfront where a lot of Spanish and Russian sailors came through. This club was on the second floor where there were steep steps down to landing with a coat check and then another set of steps down to the front door. Skirmish broke out on the landing and I ended up throwing the last troublemaker over the last set of steps. On my way down to throw him out the door he pulled out a knife. I had no options so I ripped the handrail off the wall ran it into him like a lance. Hit him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him and then the police walked in the door and constrained him.

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Only had a knife pulled once. As soon as it happened, I could of literally killed him. But I turned it into a learning lesson for the guy. 6" hunting blade in his hand in a fist holding it up towards his neck. All I had to do was palm his hand and it would of went right through his neck
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I got stabbed in the face in a bar fight when I was 24 I have a scar that goes from the bottom of my left eye down to my chin , almost lost my eye. When it happened I could stick my tongue through it . Smiled like jean Chrétien for a year while the nerves were re attaching . I would share a picture but im not sure it’s a good idea .
Old ladies sometimes stare at me in supermarkets , my old lady says it’s hot , all my guy friends say it’s bad ass, but rest assured I would rather not have it .
Anyways , for those of you have not had a serious knife injury , they fucking suck big time . It’s not painful when it’s really big but you bleed a lot and you go into shock so you gotta get pressure on it right away so you don’t bleed out .
I was drinking at the time , one of the reasons I don’t drink anymore and haven’t had a drink in years .
I was always told and I agree it’s much better to get shot than stabbed , stab wound is so much bigger and you bleed out a lot faster, if someone pulls out a knife , you are NOT James Bond , get the fuck out of there.
I boxed competitively in the amateurs in Edmonton for several years and always considered myself more than able of handling myself. It didn’t mean shit when I got stabbed .

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Only had a knife pulled once. As soon as it happened, I could of literally killed him. But I turned it into a learning lesson for the guy. 6" hunting blade in his hand in a fist holding it up towards his neck. All I had to do was palm his hand and it would of went right through his neck
Scenarios like this scare me because I could see myself going too far and winding up in the can for life. Good for you showing restraint! I bet that was hard.