Nigella Sativa / Black seed oil and cholesterol HDL/LDL


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Often used for lowering BP and referred to as the wonder herb, it is one of the few supplements I now take daily. I can't tell anyone what dosage is best but lower is always better and cheaper. If your a big person, chances are you need more. Regardless, I take 1000 mg AM and 1000 PM with my 'dinner' which is often the largest meal.

I'm sure there is more info out there if you wish to search and read and considering some of the compounds people take, this seems like a good addition. This is not medical advice and you should research yourself and make up your own mind if it is worth adding.
Thanks for this, GR. How much of an improvement in blood pressure and lipids have you noticed from this addition? Also, which brand do you use?
I use Life Extensions 500 mg pills. Easy to take 1000 twice a day. My BP this morning as I had coffee ages ago is 119/66 HR 50 - it was creeping up to 130 or slightly over for my systolic and if you look at the BP thread you will see my HR was in the 70's for years. Nothing wrong with a 130 systolic if especially if your on cycle but I would rather by under or at 120 systolic and under 70 diastolic. Exact improvement in lipids, I would have to grab my medical file and list numbers - I just know my numbers increased by 10-20%. I keep a medical file with an attachment of what I am on, what supplements I am taking, goals for that period - bulk / drop weight and it helps me figure out what helps and what doesn't.
My diet is very blan, and stable with the off cheat day - once every two weeks we eat tacos and I go over board. I sit down and eat 6-8 tacos overloaded with cheese and sauces, peppers, etc. Otherwise, I am pretty stable and no one is calling me for calendars and I'm not stepping on stage so I could give a shit about cheat days when your carbs and fats are little high.
Life extensions and NOW brand are my go to with the exception of s-AME because of the cost. I buy generic 400 mg tabs for a fraction of the price at Vitacost as they are 1/4 of the price in Canada at Vitamart or locally.