Common Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and How to Cope

I been taking Propranolol since I was young. I always found it really helps with Anxiety. I know you will know what it is and how it works. But I originally got it prescribed for essential tremors in my hands.
I been taking Propranolol since I was young. I always found it really helps with Anxiety. I know you will know what it is and how it works. But I originally got it prescribed for essential tremors in my hands.
Yep, I worked with a couple of kids who were prescribed it.
great article and not a sign of weakness to admit being stressed or anxious, it is a sign of strength because it is the first step to getting help and healing. I noticed the sexual component - I always say if you are not confident and think you are not going to get a bone, take what you want (maybe not PT151) and you won't get erect.
People should read that article a few times!
I suffered from anxiety a lot during my childhood to young adult phases. My mom's on meds for it, and I didn't want to fall into that kind of thing.

Meditation, spirtuality, discipline from bodybuilding just to name a few saved me from going down the medication route.

I also found ketogenic diets to work amazingly to keep me stable emotionally/ mood wise, more so than a diet with carbs. Has anyone seen this with themselves?