Cycle 4.


Trusted Member
Plan is Test-E 600mg/wk (due to Ace being 300mg/ml) 300 mon/fri

NPP 100mg either eod or mon/wed/fri to keep it simpler if you think two days apart on the weekend is ok.

I have 6 bottles of npp. 3 from other labs at 100mg/ml and 3 from Ace at 150mg/ml so planing to use the others first and See how it goes and then use the Ace so it’ll go up to 450mg/wk. does this sound ok?

Question I have is, seeing as I’ll be running NPP with test enanthate and not prop should I wait 4-5 weeks for the test to kick in before I start the NPP? Or run from day one? I should mention I do have one bottle of TNE i was going to use at the start also.
Was also considering Anadrol as a kickstart and/or Winstrol to finish too but undecided.
HCG whole cycle.
I have Adex, Nolva, Clomid, and Prami on hand
Planning on enlisting Funnyman for diet.

One last thing.
Last cycle ended end of July. I dropped down to 125mg/week test-e cos I planned to cruise until the beginning of October and start this. Things didn’t go to plan as you may recall from my thread about my GF. So basically I ran out of test to cruise on but didn’t PCT. it was part me being undecided whether I should jump back on blast (big issue with the GF) start PCT and delay my next cycle, or just come off and get bloods done and see what happens. I decided on the latter. I’m interested to see how low my test is. Going off how I feel right now I’m guessing it’s low. No energy, don’t want to get out of bed if I have nothing planned and no reason to. Anxiety is higher than normal, like getting flashes of panic attacks. This could also be down to the stress I’ve been going through with my GF though, who might actually be my ex-gf now.

I just had blood taken this morning and it’ll be a couple days to see the results.
Should I wait to see them? Or can I just start my cycle right now? (Kinda already know the answer to this, just hoping the general consensus is the opposite)

thanks in advance.
There are a lot of questions - I wouldn’t start anything until I had my blood work back. What blood work are you having done - hormonal, CBC, liver?
I don’t understand waiting but a lot of people do it but I’m not a BBer. If I run two compounds and only did once in my life - now. I start nandrolone and test at the same time.
I don’t think I would add anything else in until you know how things are going with those two compounds. You don’t need a kick start - it takes a while and that is just part of it. If you want to add an oral in (get your liver checked) or a third compound, you can do it based on the results of the two compounds. Why take more if you don’t need to?
I’m not young and maybe if I was, I would think different but at an age where health is as much/more of a concern as strength and looking good.
best of luck
When you start, start them both together. Theres no need for the TNE unless you want to hit it for pre workout purposes (imo thats overrated).
450 if fine if you're used to it and know how you react. If not then i would start at 300 and go from there